corporate sponsorship workshops
for business sponsors
Do you have a goal you’re trying to achieve but don’t know where to begin? Let me guide you.
We offer workshops for corporations, offering abundant tips, tools and strategies to successfully select and evaluate projects. Worksheets include how to create an objective process with template modules (criteria, project selection, evaluation) that meet business marketing objectives.
learn how to:
Align sponsorship to marketing objectives
Think more strategically/ to "buy" with success
Identify the "right" project against criteria
Create an objective process to select / evaluate projects
Negotiate smarter
Turn sponsorship dollars into a profitable part of the business plan
Philanthropy vs. Sponsorship
In-kind vs. cash donations
Creating sponsorship criteria
Creating objective modules:
Project Selection
How to avoid mistakes once money is committed
3-hour "best practices" presentation
3-hour personalized session to create your own modules:
Project Selection
One full or two half-days
questions to ask:
Why do you want to sponsor (objective)?
What are the key criteria for the right project?
What are the top three benefits you want to receive? Why?

who should attend?
Philanthropy, Marketing, Administrative, Senior Staff
New-to-the-field or seasoned professionals
Employees who are Volunteers or sit on the Board at non-profit institutions